Few years before, the science of nutrition has been developed significantly based on the greater understanding of genetic and physiological mechanisms about effect of diet and individual food components diseases and health. Scientific proofs support the opinion that diet controls and modulate physiology of human body appropriately and share in the preservation of good health or homeostasis necessary to decrease the risk of several chronic diseases. Natural antioxidants have been studied to reduce dangerous side effects as well as enhance anticancer activities of antitumor drugs.13 Various experimental studies indicated that diet with honey and royal jelly have profound beneficial health effects against various pathologies.14 Royal jelly and honey have highly efficient antioxidant free radical scavenging ability against nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity induced by cisplatin.15 Royal jelly and honey consist of many important compounds with biological activity.16 Honey is affluent source of energy, and provide energy for cellular activity. This consequent effect could reduce the energy depletion and the consequent cytotoxic action of cisplatin, which has been broadly attributed to raised production of reactive oxygen species (ROS),17 which disrupt mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and impair the respiratory chain,18 leading to compromised supply of energy for cellular functions.
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